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Ancient Order of Hibernians

The Ancient Order of Hibernians is America’s oldest Irish Catholic Fraternal Organization, founded in May of 1836. The Order can trace its roots back to a series of similar societies that existed in Ireland for more than 300 years.

Today the AOH exists in Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and throughout the United States. While these organizations share a common thread, the American AOH is a separate and much larger organization.

The AOH, first founded in Ireland, was formed to protect the welfare of fellow Irish Catholics, and especially the clergy who risked immediate death to keep our Catholic Faith alive following the Penal Laws of 1691.

Active across the United States, our Order seeks to promote Irish culture and traditions (through art, dance, music, language and sports); advocate on behalf of our Church and the doctrines of our faith, contribute to many charitable causes, assist politically and economically in the continued implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, work towards a United 32 County Ireland, espouse the cause of immigration reform for Irish emigrants, safeguard and promote the establishment of the MacBride Principles, and champion the cause of human rights issues both in Ireland and in our own Country.

Membership is confined to men 16 years and older who are practicing Roman Catholics of Irish Birth, Descent or Adoption and are citizens of the United States.

We invite you to seek admittance to the finest Irish Catholic Organization in the World. All we would ask is for you to live our motto of
“Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity

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